I hit a great milestone on Saturday. The seeds are ordered for my little organic farm's 2013 season!! We are growing twenty five types of vegetables with sixty eight varieties within those types, twelve varieties of herbs and a handful of flower crops, all on what will barely amount to one acre of land. If this sounds somewhat extreme, look at it this way. We will be growing tomatoes, for example, which is a type of vegetable, but we will be growing eight different varieties of tomatoes within that specific type. Many of our crops will be like that, with several different colorful varieties of vegetable within the same row. It's going to be a super lush and super beautiful field.
Winter seems to be downtime here in Colorado, where nothing is growing outside, but I have been so busy planning, charting, staring at the wall thinking, reading, making lists, and trying to stay ahead of the game so when the season starts, all I will have to think about is the planting, cultivating and harvesting. And although I have already done so much, a laundry list of things to get in order still looms ahead of me- overwhelming to say the least! See below a few pictures of my mountains of notecards, paperwork, books and maps (with my helper, Teddy, always nearby, of course!). Also, a few vintage pics of my great friends from last year's season at Grant:
Jan 1-28
Ted, doing some reasearch |
Overview plot maps, eight year crop rotation chart, and self saved and cataloged seeds for our pepper and tomato crop. |
Not the most exciting pic to look at, but super exciting for me; seed ordering complete!! |
Vintage farm foto(s):
Calvin, so excited to embarrass Nate further with this picture on the food saftey guide. |
Tor, harvesting pumpkins! |
Harvesting green beans for pickling. |
Elena, eating/harvesting corn (while standing in the cucumbers...?) |
Check back soon! More enthralling fotos of season planning await... plus some more fun vintage pics. Stay warm, and dream of those summer tomatoes!