Oh, wow. So, I have just completed Wonderland Farm's first nine flats of seedlings to be started indoors under our awesome grow light set up!! Bent over all day with a pair of tweezers centering tiny seeds into tiny plug flats definitely reminded me of the hard manual labor and focus farming requires. My back and neck are definitely saying hello to me right now! I also took Ted on a run this morning. We figured we had better get back into it, sooner rather than later, before this season gets going and we are trying to go from zero to hero in .6 seconds! I planted cabbage, Brussel's sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower today, roughly 2,500 seeds altogether!! Yippee, it's really real, we are really doing it, we are gonna plant things and have a farm! I can't tell you or really even comprehend what this day means to me. Here below are some pics of the inaugural first planting of Wonderland Farm:
Mar 1
Ted looks mad, huh?! Getting ready to go, compost, soil and water buckets for mixing, plastic on the table and everything! |
Filling plug trays with 512 mix. These trays are 1.5" 288 plugs each. I seeded at a one to one ratio about 1/4" deep for the cole crops (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts) |
Spokes Puppy Teddy Edde, still looking good! Maybe a little confused, but good! |
Brussels sprouts! The very first seeds to be seeded, gettin' ret to GO! |
Brussels sprouts! Best technique for me ended up to be individual application by tweezer. |
Grow Babies!! In their warm and bright new home, complete with grow lights, heating mats, and humidity covers! |
Eight of nine completed trays! We're exhausted,, time to chillax on our parent's hippy futon! Yes!! |
Who ever knew it's possible to be so excited to put a tiny seed into some smelly potting mix and jack your hands up and get dirt under your nails that won't come out for a week (if ever!)...I can't wait to see them peek their tiny sproutling heads out of the soil in a week's time. I can't believe it's March! I can't believe we are really starting our farm. It's so unbeleiveable and exciting and I just can't wait for it all to happen and to keep happening!! Until next time, stay warm, and let the sunshine a little, right into your eyes.