Well, shoot. I was hoping to do better than just one post for April, and now that I think about it we're already at the First of May! It has been a crazy month of whirlwind fencing building, tiller fixing, row straightening, seed planting, TRANSplanting, irrigation set up, watering, raised bed building, and oh, did I mention, SNOW?! Nevermind the weather, because we love the moisture! This has been my mantra for the past month and a half. Even as I write, a fluffy flurry of snowflakes swirls past the window outside. I just pray that the chard, carrots, onions, potatoes, greens and pea seeds are staying snug and thinking about germinating just as soon as this wintery blanket lifts for (fingers crossed!) the last time this season.
I'm thrilled to announce our participation in two local Farmer's Markets in Denver! Saturdays, we can be found at the Highlands Market at 15th and Boulder Streets in the West Denver Highlands Neighborhood, and Sunday we are the fortunate newcomers in the Old South Pearl Market at Florida and Old South Pearl St. in Denver's historic Washington Park area. Both markets are a great time and we are proud and excited to be a part of them!
Our membership is coming right along as well, and I can't wait until we are delivering our bounty of veggies right to the door of people who value fresh local produce, complete with our unique local recipes crafted specifically for our farm.
Shout outs to Megan and her darling daughter Phoebe, whose Demo Garden we started in early April, and will be restarting soon, due to all the inclement weather. Also Katie, my excellent fellow farmer who helped me to bust out all the planting in our triangle plot in just one day (before yet another record setting snowfall), and also helped me shovel dirt, drive around, and brainstorm raised bed solutions! And of course and always, Mom and Dad for all your endless support, ideas, tractor fixing, bed building and everything else I'm forgetting to mention.
And finally, even though it's snowing outside, I can't stop the growing inside!! I've been way too busy up- potting my cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts in anticipation of planting this week and next. And my tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are busting out of their cells. We are working on relieving the rest of the tomatoes and the luscious black beauty eggplants this afternoon! Well, with no more fanfare, let me catch you up on some pics of the week...er...MONTH!!
Mar 30
The beginning of creating the rows in the Granedde Square! |
Apr 1
Pops driving some fencing supplies in for the day. Foreground: my deer fencing under the pines. |
Apr 4
Megan and Farmer Phoebe in their matching bibs, getting ready to plant Cascadia Snap Peas in the Demo Garden! |
Apr 6
Teddy, guarding last year's garlic and onions as we test out our row hoops. |
Apr 12
Drip irrigation in place, row cover hoops and river rock ready to... well, ROCK! Brassicas will go here. |
Apr 13
Katie (and Ted!) weather proofing our awesome rolling raised beds for the farmer's market. Fill dirt in the Valstar behind! |
Apr 20
A little grainy, but that's how we like it. Me and Dad, first day of outside planting- eight rows and three varieties of peas! |
Apr 21
Katie, planting three varieties of potatoes in one row for a Red, White and Blue Mix! |
Apr 23
This pic does not do it justice, but we are swiftly running out of room after transplanting!! |
Apr 26
Purple Graffiti Cauliflower, and broccoli in the foreground, hardening off and getting ready to go in the ground next week! |
Apr 30
This is not, I repeat NOT a farm vehicle! Well, maybe just this once. At the nursery getting transplanting supplies. |
Bonus Foto(s):
Me, at Megan's Demo Garden, after the first roll of the precision seeder! |
Our six row seeder, getting ready to plant our Rainbow Chard! |
Action shot! Katie, shoveling fill dirt for our raised bed project! |
My booming Black Beauty Heirloom Eggplants stretching their leaves! |
We work hard! Teddy, sleeping sitting up at the end of a long day! |
Well, I think this post wins the award for longest, most epic blog of farm foto so far! I'd like to make more promises of getting back in a routine of blog updates, but with starting the farm up this year, I admit it's been hard. Maybe as the season progresses, I can be a little more consistent. Maybe. Thanks for checking back in, and for all your continued readership! Let's all use our collective energy to melt this snow and let things grow!! One thing is for certain, there's never a dull moment in Colorado... at least not at Wonderland Farm! Stay warm and well until next time, and let that be sooner than next month!!