Monday, July 16, 2012

Creepy, Scary Farming Time Now!

It is the week of Friday the 13th, so creepy pictures as well as legit pictures have been taken in honor of spooky holiday-ness...Although we are into cultivation now, actually, it really was a pretty great week. I have been on the trellising tomatoes crew for the most part, and it has been fine and not too spooky. We are really just getting into the routine of being specilised crews for various tasks like trellising tomatoes, harvesting peas, swiss chard and radishes, tossing hay bales and ripping up posts from former corrals(or pony shame circles, Steph!) and tamping in end posts for tomato trellises. Pics of the week below!

July 9

Elena, Jacob, Lucia, Ryan, and Eric harvesting sugar snap peas in our Fisher Field! A totally beautiful, cotton candy cloud day!

July 10

Nate, doing his favorite thing, driving the interns around in the psychedelic school bus.. Wait, are his eyes open?
Super Scary! Just kidding, it was a blink, for sure...

July 11

Stephanie and Ryan inside one of our storage silos! We were just doing a small errand this day but
couldn't resist this shot...Creepy!!! But also fun.

July 12

Me and the big boss man, Isaac, Pruning our indeterminate tomatoes in Pie Four. And yeah, we drove all those stakes in by hand early last week, not to mention tightening that twine!!! Those that have done it know the need for the exclamation points... Woo- hoo!


Me again! Sorry, but just look at these amazing green onions we harvested from
Pie Four on Thursday! Super beauties!!!

July 14

Elena getting ready to use an end post as a battering ram on me! we hauled these bad boys up and down the road to be the brace posts for  our trellising on Saturday! Our lucky working members and the rest of our intern crew harvested radishes and snow peas this day! Scary but awesome battering ram shadow in effect!

Bonus Pics

Can't resist adding this great shot of Rachel, our newest intern on her second working day at Grant Farms, harvesting sugar snap peas! 

Justin was giving me static for asking people to smile for the camera. So Alyssa just made him for me.
A little blurry, but worth it. Thanks, girl! 
Look what is growing wild in the rows between our tomatoes! 

Snatching up some green onions!! Never a great blog without the magic school bus in the background at some point. Here we are with Elena, recognizably featuring Ian, Rachel, Alex and Justin in the background.
Beautiful Lucia with a basket of  beautiful sugar snap peas. Poster Farm Girl.

Was it super spooky? Is it super spooky to think we are into the middle of July? I think so! We are having an awesome time though, and the serious harvest season is just around the corner! Thank you so much everybody for your comments, and compliments, and thank you for reading and following along with us! 



  1. It's great that you work with such a happy, healthy looking group of farm hands. Just tending to our comparatively meager yard and gardens can be daunting in this hot weather. Just seeing the vastness of your farm fields and what lays within certainly makes me feel like -- Okay I Can Do This Weeding Today!!!!! Sg

    1. You can do it!! Thanks for reading, and I completely understand tending your garden in this heat- I come home from the farm and have to deal with my own!! It's much different when it's all yours!
