It seems as though overnight everything has ripened and come ready to harvest. Carrots, eggplants, green and banana peppers, yellow taxi tomatoes, zucchini and summer squash, cucumbers, radishes, cilantro, green beans, onions, radishes- the list of ready vegetables seems endless. I gave a farm tour yesterday for some people interested in our farm, and Calvin, one of the many awesome employees that works with the CSA and who drove the bus for our tour, had an excellent point to add as things wrapped up. He talked about how our society has become disconnected from the source of our food, especially people of my generation and younger, who have the luxury of buying anything at the grocery store, at any time of the year, and that by connecting to a farm through a CSA membership, we are reforming our bond with the earth by eating locally produced foods with the seasons. He said how it used to be that people didn't just look forward to the summer because it got hot, but because of the amazing foods they could look forward to eating- having peaches and tomatoes fresh from the field, and eating the squash and root vegetable soups that come with fall. Working on this farm has definitely reformed my connection with the earth, and it is really a wonder and wonderful to see the beautiful food we've grown get harvested and sent out for others to enjoy. Here are the pics of the week:
Aug 6
Harvesting carrots on Monday, we found a giant that looks just like the one tattooed on Katie's arm! |
Aug 7
Jessica catching a cucumber on the wagon during harvest on Tuesday in Matsuta 11 Field, with Justin and Abby. |
Aug 8
Abby and Elena loading heirloom Taxi Tomatoes on the wagon in Pie Four. Chris, Ken, Victoria, Eric and Nate in the background.
Aug 9
Me with an armload of cucumbers in front of the pumpkin field during cucumber harvesting in Matsuta 11. |
Aug 10
Victoria in our Fisher Field, during our first eggplant harvest! |
Aug 11
Our gorgeous green bean field we harvested with the CSA working members on Saturday in Black Two. |
Bonus Foto:
Gorgeous Taxi Tomatoes and one bright red Valley Girl! |
What a wonderful week. It truly is what we have been working all season for. Harvest is a busy, crazy, lovely time. Seeing the bins and boxes laden with beautiful vegetables streaming out of the field on our shoulders, or pulled on wagon behind tractors and trucks is a sight everyone should experience. I never expected to feel proud to see harvest time, but after a season full of planting, preparing and cultivation, that is exact what I am.
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