I have to apologize for not getting the blog out on time last Sunday! It was a busy week at Grant Farms, as always, culminating with our fall Harvestival last weekend. As I worked the whole seven days and was back at it again Monday, there wasn't much time to eat or sleep, much less get the blog together! We have been working past dark most nights this last week, trying to keep up with orders for broccoli, carrots, celery, and celeriac root. Also, we had the greatest time collecting pumpkins for sale and for our Harvestival pumpkin patch. We spent a great deal of time on Friday setting up for the event, including building a massive hay bale maze for the children, erecting tents, cutting cornstalks and placing signs. It was a super fun weekend, if you didn't make it out to attend, we had local vendors and bands, a farmer's market, hay rides and potato harvesting for the food bank! It was a great way to welcome in the fall and also some truly freezing weather!!! So, without further ado, here are the pics from last week:
Oct 1
Ryan harvesting celery for our CSA members in Fischer Field. Tanea, Katie and Luke in the background. |
Oct 2
Austin and Mitty harvesting broccoli for wholesale in Pie Three as the sun sets over the mountains. We worked until 8 pm this night. |
Oct 3
Our butternut squashes at Whole Foods, saved from frost this day in a mad windstorm by all the working crew on the farm, including ours! |
Oct 4
Mitty and Katie during pumpkin harvesting on Thursday. Ken in the background. |
Oct 5
Joshua and Emma holding down cornstalks in the back of Katie's truck to transfer the the Harvestival grounds. Katie driving. |
Oct 6
Hanging the Harvestival sign at the endtrance to the grounds. From right, Ken. Isaac, Alex, Chris, and RIchie. |
Bonus Fotos:
Luke and Emma during pumpkin harvest Thursday. |
Me with the new hoopty and some massive red chard we found in the corn. I'm calling it the ValStar. A good name for a spaceship. or this truck. Yess! |
Nate and me with a heart shaped potato during potato harvest for the food bank during Harvestival. Emma is the best part of this picture though, by far, down in the corner of the frame. |
Thanks for being patient with me while I took my time getting last week's post out this week. The farm and my commute keep me so busy that if I miss my allotted time to get things accomplished, they sometimes just don't. It was a great week, busy, and cold, and I got a new pair of work pants and a warm jacket just in the nick of time as weather has definitely changed! Look for this week's blog immediately following this one, probably by about an hour. Welcome to October!!
Hehehe. Yahoo for your new, impressive, massive truck!
...you said it.