This Saturday heralded the first day of September. We can't believe how fast August flashed past! This week we spent harvesting eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and extra large zucchinis for a soapbox style derby race where the zucs are the cars!! The weather was super hot again, strange after so many cooler days. We reluctantly said goodbye to Chris, who will be teaching a garden program at a school in Albuquerque! Good luck Chris! Here are this weeks pics:
Aug 26
Rachel, amazed and confused by the first tiny kohlrabi of the season,
after a long day in Fisher, harvesting Nadia Eggplants
for a wholesale order! |
Aug 27
Chris and me on his last day after harvesting Taxi Tomatoes all afternoon. We
harvested 143 RPC's (reusable plastic containers) this day- incredible!! |
Aug 29
Our freshly weeded Turnip and Rutabaga fields in Fisher Wednesday afternoon. |
Aug 30
Rachel, me, and Katie, taking a small siesta after lunch in our Coolie Field. This wagon is set up to harvest the German Butterball Potatoes we planted here in the spring. |
Aug 31
Ryan and Richie harvesting our first Pocket Gem Rocky Ford Melons in Pie Four! I think we ate about half of them as we harvested, they are so sweet and juicy! |
Bonus Foto(s):
Justin. posing, Jersey style, during potato harvest on Tuesday! |
Arlo, holding our Taxi tomatoes secure on the wagon heading to the packing shed to be receied for shipment. |
Haircut farm style! Me giving Chris a trim on the side porch of the intern house
Friday night after work. Lookin' handsome Chris! |
So, we're still lovin' life up here! Can't believe we are in September, but excited too, it's my favorite month!! Isaac just brought us a huge orange pumpkin last week from Heil Field, and broccoli and cauliflower are also beginning to crown. So exciting!!! As always, here's to a great week at Grant Farms, and to next week's adventures!
Yours make our summer garden pickins look small. Amazing tomatoes, but nothing like your harvest. September wow, can't be possible that the summer is coming to an end.......but my favorite time of year autumn coming up next. Sg