Sunday, September 9, 2012

September Plums and Pocket Melons!

I'm not gonna lie, this week kicked my butt in so many ways! We are harvesting like crazy every day, all day, for wholesale, restaurant orders, and CSA boxes! We are also alternating between doing many different things in one day, and spending larger chunks of time on one task, as we are losing people from our group as the season progresses, and it can take longer to complete one thing. For example, on Tuesday we harvested red and yellow tomatoes, potatoes, plums, musk melons, peppers and cherry tomatoes all in one day! Then on Thursday we focused on carrots all morning, and cucumbers all afternoon! We've also spent time on eggplants and peppers in our fisher field this week, and I've gotten some tractor time harvesting our small melons and cucumbers (my favorite!). We said goodbye to Abby and Eric this week, and also Richie, though he will be back to see us on Tuesday next week. Good luck with your future adventures guys! Here are the pics of the week:

Sept 3

Justin, harvesting plums on Monday. Happy Labor Day!

Sept 4
Joshua and Abby picking plums in the orchard. We'll miss you Abby!
Sept 5
Nate with a smiley monster heirloom during wholesale harvesting Wednesday. We packed one hundred boxes for sale to Whole Foods! Crazy!
Sept 6
Harvesting green beans in Pie Three in the late afternoon Thursday after a long day in carrots and cucumbers. The sun came through the clouds to give us a final push to finish.

Sept 7

Completing our green bell pepper wholesale order on Friday afternoon. From left, Tanea, Joshua, Stephanie, Megan, Ryam Emma, Alyssa, and the top of Katie's head!

Bonus Foto(s):

CSU beat CU in the Rocky Mountain Showdown last Sunday, and this is the result of me losing a bet to Richie that my team would beat his. I wore this stupid foam Ram's head all day. And bought him beer. Go Rams! There, Richie, are you happy now? 

Emma, driving the tractor for the first time during cucumber harvest on Thursday! She killed it. Yeah, Emma!!

A box of our gorgeous heirloom tomatoes I got to put together for a wholesale order on Monday.

Emma and Ryan harvesting plums in the orchard on Tuesday!
Love this picture of me! If only I didn't have the stupid ram's head on. Darn it! Katie in the wagon behind me during melon harvest.
Those melons are called Eden's gem of Rocky Ford. They are an heirloom pocket musk melon and probably the tastiest melon I've ever eaten! The name alone makes it worth mentioning though... I feel as though we are teetering on the top crest of the roller coaster ride that has been the full height of the season before zooming downhill on the other side. We still have two full months of harvest ahead of us, so is it crazy that I am already beginning to feel a little nostalgic? I don't want the season to end! Losing friends we've had all season to new adventures I'm sure plays a part as well. Here's to wishing everyone well and looking forward to next week for now and all the bounty yet to be had!


1 comment:

  1. What Wonderful Pictures of such a great experience. Thank you!!
