The first day of Fall was yesterday. I know the harvest season isn't over yet, but I feel sad to see the summer go. Fall has always my favorite time of the year, but this has really been the best summer of my life, and I don't want it to end! Our crew had long long days all week the week harvesting and we have seen the start of broccoli crowning! New and old harvesting tasks combined this week to include the last few harvests of our tomatoes in Pie Four (no!), apple picking in the orchards (the east orchard has our sweet free range turkeys bopping around in it), corn and cucumber harvesting, peppers, eggplants, green beans for preserving shares and a crazy amount of broccoli harvesting! We worked for the first time on Wednesday past sunset. Here are the pics of the week:
Sept 17
Mitty and Joshua in the orchard by Lou Grant's house, during apple harvest. Sarah and Emma on the side. |
Sept 18
Joshua and Katie harvesting jalapenos in Pie Four at the days end Tuesday. |
Sept 19
Megan throwing a broccoli crown up onto the wagon for bunching and packing in Pie Five. Tanea, Luke, Joshua and Katie harvesting with her. |
Sept 20
Mitty and Ryan harvesting Cortland apples in the East Orchard on Thursday. Our young turkeys are enjoying an apple snack on the ground around them. |
Sept 21
Isaac and Katie deciding to end a long day of broccoli harvest at 4:30. It was a nice break for Friday after a week of brutally long days! |
Sept 22
Emma, harvesting Anaheim peppers in Fischer field. |
Bonus Foto(s):
Joshua is like the photo star of the week! Here he is with a bouquet of bunching broccoli during a break on Wednesday. |
Can you believe these colors are real?! Heirloom purple cauliflower and Dr. Wyke's Yellow heirloom tomatoes for the farm dinner on Friday. |
Ken enjoying a little corn in transit after harvesting Thursday. |
Rachel and Sarah picking apples in the East Orchard. |
Great week, as always, as you can see! Still there is so much to do, and I am so happy about that, tons of harvesting still ahead! Welcome to Autumn whether you are ready for it or not... I love fall and can't wait to see how the work will change in the coming weeks as the season cools us down and crops start to come to an end. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful week!
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